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Загадочная женщина сегодня

raskoly: "I went to Dalida's grave today, I got there around 11 and there were already dozens of people and flowers and everything..amazing. Anyway, everyone was kind of lingering and chatting (most of them knew eachother, I found myself talking to two lovely men from Germany), and then this woman appeared and that whole group who knew eachother went crazy greeting her, she had gifts for a lot of them. She looked like someone who was trying to look like Dalida--same exact hair, same style of dressing--any idea who that was? the couple I had been talking to didn't know. Was she a relative or something? She seemed to be very popular among that group, for sure. I saw they put candles all around her bust at Place Dalida,I guess they're lighting them tonight. Should be very pretty. I also saw photos of her in several store windows around here..incredible showing of love." это отрывок из имейла одной моей знакомой, которая была сегодня на могиле далиды. я конечно же, без понятия, кто эта женщина, но может быть кто-то всё же знает? имеется в виду женщниа, похожая на далиду, которая была сегодня на могиле далиды и которую все те, кто туда обычно (?) ходят, хорошо знают. спасибо!

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